Thermal waters the Aguadita: Located in Tinaquillo, approximately to 1Km. Of the settlement of the Aguadita. They are waters of sulphurous type.
Thermal waters The Sulphurous one: To a kilometre of the population of Tinaco. Of sulphurous waters and temperature set.
The Jump: In the river Tinaco, it is a jet of clear waters.
Reservoir(Damming) Conchinche: On the river Pao. It (he, she) uses as irrigation to an extension of 600 hectares, and supplies of water to the city of Valencia.
Spa park Mouth Toma: To 7 kilometres to the north of San Carlos, on the river Tirgua. San Carlos' hospital is located in the avenue Ricaurte, route. There we can enjoy the climate of mountain and take delight with a bath in his (her, your) crystalline waters, since to his (her, your) shores the Resort Mouth Takes it(he,she) offers his(her,your) facilities of cabins and parrilleras to prepare the traditional one I parboil in an environment of calmness and greenery.
The original name of the river Mouth Takes is a river Tirgua, but he is a better acquaintance as river Mouth Takes. The seasons where there is more tourists' abundance towards this pleasant river are A Carnival, Holy Week and school vacations (July to September). In Spa Park Mouth Toma several sports events are realized, as the marathon of welcome to the new students of the UNELLEZ, championships of volleyball, the return ciclística to Cojedes, beside practices realize for the students of 4to to 5to year of baccalaureate in the matter of Pre-military instruction.
Galleys of the Pao: In the District Pao, they are formations(trainings) of few altitude that reach a height of a bit more than 500 m.
Herd Piñero: This one located in Cojedes's condition(state); There you can find from forests of galleries, sheets hills and up to numerous tubes that offer a great variety of habitat. There offer housing in a precious(beautiful) house colonial style and guides of the area.
Eastward of the Trunk the Herd Piñero, private development is tourist echo where the diversity of the free fauna combines with the activities of cattle exploitation(development) and agroindustrial and where the visitor can take part in the same activities that the plainsmen of the Herd realize. This Herd is and visited by tourists and investigative foreigners of the most diverse nationalities. This beautiful place is located in the condition(state) Cojedes; there you can find from forests of galleries, sheets, hills and up to numerous tubes that offer a great variety of habitats. Housing offers in a precious(beautiful) house colonial style and guides of the area complement this offer for lovers of the nature.
National park:(General Manuel Manrique) Tirgua Location in the municipalities San Carlos and Anzoátegui and municipality Nirgua of the condition(state) Yaracuy. Surface 91 000 hectares. There was decreed National Park June 5 of 1.992, according to official gazette I number 2.347. One of the most recent national parks, it(he,she) takes as an intention the protection of the water nacientes that they originate in his(her,your) surroundings, specially the river Tirgua, which gives name to the park.